5 Nutrition Mistakes You Can Avoid

Relying on 1-2 “staples”. Avoiding refined grains and eating vegetables is good, but if you pick one vegetable or whole grain, pseudo grain, or starch to replace all others, you are setting yourself up to overdo it and, potentially, cause problems like nutrient deficiencies and sensitivities. Avoid this: Rotate your staples. For a breakfast example, avoid having oatmeal every morning, by planning …

“Where did the Weight Come From?”: The Top 10 Sources of Calories in the U.S. and Simple, Nutritious Alternatives 

Does it seem like just yesterday you were four sizes smaller and had muscle definition that just disappeared? When it seems like the weight is piling up, it’s good to look at your diet and think about where you get the bulk of your energy, or calories; it might not be where you think! UC …

How to Eat Your Food (and Stop Throwing it Out!) 

High food costs it hurt right in the wallet! Food costs rise every year–and your pay may not. But food waste rates have risen, too. Food waste in North America is 95-115 kg per capita per year (compared to 6-11 kg per capita in Africa!!!) according to the Food and Agriculture Association of the United …

Mountaintop Nutrition: 3 Strategies for Altitude Gains

The West is best–I’m sold, once again, after spending this past weekend in Wydaho (Idaho/Wyoming). Here is the view from the top of Targhee–9,800+ feet above sea level:  Stunning! It’s crazy how the Tetons still look huge from that high up. The Tetons, in case you didn’t learn North American geography, are the mountains in …

Diet Breakdown: the Ketogenic Diet

This is for Mason Malpass and anyone else that is “Keto-curious.” Background The Ketogenic diet is a high fat and low carbohydrate diet. It uses a ratio of fat to carbohydrate; for example, a 4:1 ratio would mean a patient should consume 4 times as much fat as carbohydrate. Other common ratios used are 3:1, …

10 Tips to Pass the RDN Exam (and my explanation of Computer Adaptive Tests)

1.  Remember to fuel your body and brain with healthy food! It is the RDN exam, after all. 2. Obtain adequate study materials. Select study materials that provide adequate review, but are within your budget and stick with them. I recommend talking to RDNs and asking what they used (they might let you borrow old–but not too old–materials). My …