Wow–it has been a LONG time since I’ve blogged! I’ve been working in outpatient clinical nutrition for almost 4 years and recently started 1031 Everyday Wellness Solutions, LLC where I will be offering wellness content and coaching very soon. I’m posting on the Eat. Move. Live Blog today because it is already set up and this information is relevant NOW.

In this strange season I’ll be using lots of frozen and shelf stable items to help not buy food as often–but that doesn’t mean skimping on veggies. I’ll be batch-cooking and freezing dishes to reheat at a later date. It is still important to aim to eat 7-9 servings of a variety of produce daily. Here are some of my favorite meal easy ideas:

  1. Shakshuka. Easy baked eggs with tomato sauce, sautéed veggies, and spices over wild rice.
  2. Protein-flax pancakes with berries. I’ll use frozen berries heated then mashed; I’ll also put protein powder, ground flaxseed, and eggs in the batter.
  3. Buffalo cauliflower and roasted chicken with baked sweet potatoes. I will use frozen cauliflower. It won’t be as crispy as fresh…but who cares; it’s smothered in buffalo sauce.
  4. Homemade granola. Granola can be pricy; but homemade granola is cheap! To make it last the longest possible, consider storing in the fridge or freezer to extend the self life of nuts.
  5. Lemon seafood pasta with shallots, greens, mushrooms, garlic and tomatoes. I’ll make this several times different ways with quinoa or brown rice noodles, fresh or frozen spinach or kale, and thawed frozen shrimp and/or mashed canned sardines or tuna, canned or rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes. If I have extra canned artichokes, they’ll be added too!
  6. Burrito bowls. Any leftover chopped produce from planned dishes can be smothered in salsa or lime juice to make a lovely burrito bowl. Don’t forget the black beans.
  7. Crockpot mediterranean artichoke chicken soup. Easy to make and freeze for later meals. Artichokes are a canned vegetable that also feels like a treat.
  8. Crockpot french onion soup. Literally the easiest soup–and all veggies.
  9. Salsa chicken tacos. The filling is the easiest crockpot recipe: chicken and salsa. Everything else is bonus: try adding shredded cabbage, lime juice, cumin and black beans.
  10. Columbian beans and rice with peppers and cabbage slaw. Also very easy to make and freeze for meals and sides.
  11. Chicken with turkey chorizo, onions, spinach, and chickpeas.
  12. Nut butter breakfast cookies and orange slices. I batch cook breakfast cookies and put them in the freezer for multiple weeks at a time.
  13. Turkey burgers with oven sweet potato and carrot fries. Use frozen buns and patties.
  14. Thai sweet and sour chicken and vegetable soup.
  15. Moroccan lamb and vegetable stew. All the root vegetables and all the spices plus olives and apricots. Yum!
  16. Lentil vegetable soup.
  17. Veggie omelettes. Easy way to pick up the leftover veggies along the way! Don’t forget that leftover sauces like tomatoes sauce also go well in omelettes, as well as rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes.
  18. Irish beef and cabbage stew with carrots and potatoes. I had to make it for St. Patrick’s day…and BONUS it freezes and reheats well.
  19. Chicken tortilla soup. 
  20. Curry. Whatever fresh or frozen veggies we have, whatever proteins we have (yes a can of chickpeas count!) with spices, curry paste, coconut milk and wild rice. YUM!

What are you making during the pandemic?

If you are interested in nutrition and wellness coaching stay tuned! You can also reach out at



Published by Elyse

I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist with a travel bug who LOVES nutrition science, food, and total wellness. I've zigzagged my way across the U.S. and I hope to never stop learning about people and health.

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