Happy New Year’s Eve! This post is more for me than for anyone else, but please share one of your own reflections from 2017 if you read!

  1. Praying first thing in the morning changed my attitude, actions, and reactions.
  2. “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”-Ken Blanchard. Regularly asking for feedback was an indispensable habit for me at work and at home.
  3. There was no need to stress about finances, just to develop and execute our plan.
  4. Proper running and walking apparently uses your butt. Also, rolling out my IT bands made a huge difference for my knees.
  5. I’ll never click with everyone, and that is perfectly fine.
  6. Someone’s personality, worldview, and how much he or she took time to understand the problem should impact what advice I take. Not everyone’s advice applies–and I can save a lot of headaches if I pause and consider these things first.
  7. Tidiness is a great habit, but is not a prerequisite for friendship.
  8. Giving unsolicited advice is a waste of breath. Showing usually works better than telling, and sharing mistakes is usually more effective than overt advice.
  9. A little empathy goes a long way towards growing confidence. When I assumed people who are hurting will sometimes say hurtful things, it helped me keep growing and without feeling attacked.
  10. The best non-fiction writing is clear and concise. If I can say in one sentence what I could say in five then I need to do it. I learned this in high school, but applying it has really started to pay off this year.

Onward to 2018 it is! Happy New Year everyone!

This is what the door to 2018 looks like for me! Wreath by my lovely Grandmother.

Published by Elyse

I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist with a travel bug who LOVES nutrition science, food, and total wellness. I've zigzagged my way across the U.S. and I hope to never stop learning about people and health.

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