‘Time is money’ in the U.S. It’s no surprise that one of the biggest reasons people don’t eat well is a perceived lack of time and the marketing and availability of fast food. In 2012, 1 in 4 Americans ate fast food daily, which led to overall spending of $100 billion on fast food, annually!

I’ve even observed Americans go to great feats for fast food; on one of the busiest streets in Atlanta, I’ve observed a crossing guard stops traffic so that cars and people can turn into McDonalds and Chick-fil-a during rush hour. (Apparently delays and traffic are worth it for a chicken biscuit here?!? I don’t get it.)

If time is competing against nutrition in your life, I think the problem is more in the kitchen than with the clock; nutritious food doesn’t have to take hours!

Cooking nutritious, warm meals doesn't have to take all of your time; introduce a few of these 10 healthy ingredients that take 20 minutes or less to prepare and reap the benefits!
Cooking nutritious, warm meals doesn’t have to take all of your time; introduce a few of these 10 healthy ingredients that take 20 minutes or less to prepare and reap the benefits!
Here are 10 pantry staples that can take 20 minutes or less to cook:

1. Dried Lentils. Most dried beans need to be soaked and cooked for at least an hour, but lentils are there for you in a time crunch with their easy 15-20 minute cooking time and stellar vitamin, mineral, fiber, and amino acid content.

2. Most whole grains and pseudograins. Quinoa and steel cut oats are crowd pleasers because of their utility. Quinoa is high quality plant protein that acts like a grain; you can make it as a porridge on its own or with other grains for breakfast. Steel cut oats are a breakfast staple, but are delicious in soups, too! Great B vitamins and fiber content that keeps blood lipids in the happy zone.

3. Fresh, hearty greens like spinach or kale. Sauté with some garlic and olive oil and you’re in business for a quick side! Add them to almost anything for a boost of vitamins and minerals.

4. Most frozen vegetables. Keep your freezer stocked with these for fast, balanced! Frozen vegetables are a deal because they are picked and packaged at their peak and last a long time without their nutrition content shrinking, like it will when produce is stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

5. Sweet potatoes. Cook them quickly on the stove–you can even cook them very fast in the microwave!

6. Wild caught fish. Fish is simple to cook on the stovetop; cook it to 140 degrees Fahrenheit internal temperature! Thinner filets will cook the fastest.

7. Onions. Onions add flavor and are so versatile. They are a nutritional rockstar because of their cancer fighting components and antioxidants. You can easily add them to dishes raw, lightly cooked, or fully caramelized for very different favors.

8. Fresh fruit. Switch up your dishes with some fruit. Seriously. You can sweeten dishes with fruit purée or a little fruit juice. Sauté your greens in fresh squeezed orange and lemon juices, add a little cherry purée or pomegranate juice to your red sauce, make a fruit salsa for your fish… A little creativity with fruit goes a long way toward making dishes unique and delicious.

9. 100% whole grain or legume pasta. Try brown rice, quinoa or red bean pasta!

10. Organic Tofu. Looking for another flexible source of quick cooking protein? Tofu is flexible for use in many different dishes with all different types of spices–not just in Asian cuisine!



Published by Elyse

I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist with a travel bug who LOVES nutrition science, food, and total wellness. I've zigzagged my way across the U.S. and I hope to never stop learning about people and health.

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